We're givin' BREASTFEEDING a thumbs up ?? today BUUUTTTT...lets be honest...breastfeeding has been a challenge for me and I haven't always been so ???♥️ about it. For the first 2-3 weeks of baby's life (you know, back to the new mom days when I tracked every minute he was on the boob and every diaper he had) he was breastfeeding for 10-12 hours A DAY!!! Seriously. No sleep, no healthy eating, and no recovery for mama ? I was in survival mode, trying to feed my baby while at the same time trying not to lose my mind. It got a little bit better but he still was on the boob a lot! I was worried my milk wasn't fully coming in, I was stressed out of my mind of losing my milk supply or not having enough because I'm "older" so I was pumping and breastfeeding like a mad woman to try everything to keep it going. Add on the worry about clogged ducts, mastitis, being a first time mom and first time nurser, no family near by, and postpartum hormones and I was a complete wreck. For the first 8 months of his life I honestly felt I couldn't go anywhere or leave him with anyone for longer than 1-2 hours. Look at us now, almost 12 months into it and we have a pretty good flow goin' on ? pun intended. He's got the hang of it (and by "hang" I mean he moves, squirms, and looks every direction so the hang of my boobs has reached granny status.) He nurses only a few times a day and is done in just a few minutes, I don't worry as much and have felt comfortable leaving him for longer AND even better I've found the natural products that work for me (or don't work for me) and my body to help it flow smoothly. Here's the things I can't live without Essential Oils to Use While Breastfeeding
Here are my go to essential oils for breastfeeding to help boost and keep my milk production and milk supply
FENNEL ? Is a natural galactagogue (increases milk supply) and helps a lot with belly/digestive discomfort. Good for my belly and baby's belly. HOW TO USE: -I rub along the top of my breast tissue (no where near where baby will suck) after a feeding so it's plenty diluted by the time for the next feeding. Don't use longer than 10 days at a time (can cause excessive urinary tract excretion and issues if used consistently.) Take a break in between uses, I use for about 3-5 days and my milk supply goes up great and I don't use again until I need to (another month or 2.) -Put 1-2 drops in a tea along with honey, lime, Copaiba, and Chamomile. Relieves stress and helps with milk production COPAIBA ? Supports a healthy immune and respiratory system AND helps ease anxious feelings. Stress is a HUGE factor for low milk supply so taking something to help ease it helps me relax and allows my body to do what it naturally wants to do, produce milk (for all of you mamas whose bodies don't make milk, or don't make enough OR choose to not breastfeed all the love and power and positivity to you ?) HOW TO USE: -I take Copaiba internally every. single. day. It's the oil I use to ease anxious feelings and panic attacks. Helps my nervous system and has remarkable antioxidant benefits. -Drop 1-2 drops under my tongue daily OR take in a capsule -Run along my neck or Vagus Nerve when feeling anxious. -Use in a lactation tea- 1-2 drops each of Copaiba, Fennel (don't use Fennel longer than 10 days together), Lime, Honey, and Chamomile Haakaa Pump
Picture below is Motherhood Uncensored ❌
- Shirt and bra off because I took the time for me to go to a spin class and sports bras are too damn tight to get any type of nursing or pumping goin' on ? -I tried to rush home but missed baby's feeding by just a tinge (dad gave him a bottle of frozen breastmilk to hold him over 10 min until I got home) so I nursed him on one side and then needed to pump on the other. -Dad was making breakfast so I was holding baby. -Also, the BEST pineapple ? bun I have ever had in my life to this date. Who uses the haakaa pump? I absolutely LOVE this pump and was a necessity for me in the early months of breastfeeding. I'm not attached to any cords or electricity, just my breast, my milk, my silicone pump, and a good suction to keep the flow coming. Easy to transport and easy to pump while nursing on the other side. If you're pregnant or have a newborn I HIGHLY SUGGEST the Haakaa Pump This is the Haakaa Pump I use and love- Naturebond Click the image below (this is an affiliate link and I make a small commission to support myself and my family)
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